What We Believe

  • Talent Management Consultancy
  • Our Purpose
  • Our Purpose
sparkChief & Co. is a management consulting firm that helps organisations to make the most effective strategic business and workforce decisions to accelerate growth.

We do this by helping clients to develop transformation, change management, workforce planning, organisation design, M&A integration, talent strategy, and career solutions.

We work with leading companies across a wide range of specialisations, most notably within supply chain and logistics, healthcare, chemicals, financial services, high-tech, and fast-moving consumer goods sectors.

What We Believe

We believe that we need to empower business leaders to be innovative and think creatively so they can support employees’ efforts to perform at optimal capacity — while simultaneously maximising value for all stakeholders.

What We Want to Become

We want to become one of the leading contributors of organisational insights.

What We Value

We believe that wisdom is the relative importance of learning, understanding and disseminating synthesised knowledge to others. We define learning as the act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skill. It is the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge. We define understanding as the faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring knowledge.

We believe creativity is the relative importance of creating and rearranging new ideas, thoughts and solutions. It is the act of synthesising existing or new ideas into something new.

We believe commitment is the relative importance of being committed to something, having a cause or mission, doing the "right" thing.