Advisory Board

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Advisory Board

sparkChief’s Advisory Board members work alongside the Executive Management, and help oversee operational issues and the implementation of sparkChief's strategy.

The points below outline the major responsibilities of the Advisory Board members:

1) Provide strategic direction for sparkChief's organisation.

2) Oversee the organisation's activities to protect the sparkChief's assets and board members' investment.

3) Engage, recruit, supervise, retain, evaluate and compensate the executive management.

Our Advisory Board Members

Team Member

Elaine Ng

Advisory Board Member

Elaine Ng is the founder and CEO of Management Resources Consultants (MRC). A seasoned consultant, she assists in organisation restructuring, leadership assessment and management policies. Before that, she founded HR Business Solutions (HRBS) in 2001 with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing. She sold HRBS to Mercer in November 2015. She consulted in executive remuneration, sales incentive and bonus, job grading and salary structures, mobility policy and benefits design. Prior to HRBS, she led Mercer’s executive compensation practice in Asia and the performance & rewards practice in Greater China. She was an HR practitioner before her consulting career.

Team Member

Steve Brink

Advisory Board Member

Steve is a recognised global senior leader and advisor. Previously, he was the President of UFlexReward and the CEO of AIRINC. Steve has significant work experience in all regions of the globe. He has deep knowledge and a truly global mindset in optimising service and product development, streamlining processes, and enhancing the sales and marketing function. Steve was also the Global Leader and Worldwide Partner at Mercer responsible for its Information and Software businesses prior to joining AIRINC in 2008. He has been teaching the Quantitative Analysis course at the WorldatWork organisation since 1990.

Team Member

Carlos Mestre

Advisory Board Member

Carlos is a world renown leader on many aspects of international assignment management. Throughout his career he has developed several approaches and methodologies that are used by many international firms and organisations to administer and reward their mobile workforce. He was the founder of the HR Services at Business International (part of Economist Group). He also led the Mobility Information Services at Corporate Resources Group and was most recently the partner in charge of Mercer's global mobility business. Carlos is a widely recognised business, strategy and thought leader.