Featured articles:
Featured article in the Foundr Magazine - "5 Things Not to Say in a Leadership Role"Featured article contribution in the Mobility Magazine of Worldwide ERC - "Rethinking Talent Management"
Featured article in The Startup - Medium's largest active publication, followed by +725K people. "5 Strategic Tips for Leaders to Truly Increase ROI on People"
Featured article in Date Driven Investor - "Transparency in Management Is Inescapable for Maximising Shareholder Value"
Featured article in The Innovation - "3 Questions to Ask Leadership to Help Them Drive Real Growth"
Featured article in The Startup - "5 Things Not to Say in a Leadership Role"
Featured article contribution in the Mobility Magazine of Worldwide ERC - "Money isn't always everything"
Featured article in The Startup - "5 Leadership Misconceptions That Are Bad for Business"
Featured article in The Startup - "The Importance of Finding, and Deploying, the Right Key Leader".